Field report- Ricoh 35ZF ST

This is a field report of my first ever free camera. I found the Ricoh online in our local marketplace listed by someone who wanted to give it away. I am glad he gave it away because I would have probably not paid for it and missed out on a cute and potent camera.


Field report- Voigtländer Brillant

It is always so fun to bring to life a camera that you thought was dead junk. This Voigtländer Brillant from 1933 is probably the oldest camera I have. It is mainly a simple light-tight box with a lens. But it is still capable of taking some very nice photos in 6x6 format on 120 film.


Field report: Bronica ETRSi

My search for a 645 medium format camera ended with the Bronica ETRSi, mainly because of all the lovely photos taken with Zenzanon lenses that I saw on Instagram, but also because of its price. Now I am the happy owner of this camera and have already used it a lot. Time to start a field report!


Field report: Horseman VH

Do you like the idea of a large-format view camera but don't want to jump into developing and handling large-format negatives? This was my idea when I bought a Horseman VH a year ago. This is a medium-format technical or view camera that has a good range of movements and allows you to get very close to large-format experience but stay within your 120 workflow.

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