I bough my Canon AE-1 in 1995 or 1996, second-hand from a professor at our university. I used the camera regularly, except during a long break between years 2001-2017 when I went all digital. Now that I have sold the camera that I owned the longest time, what are my thoughts about it?
Canon AE-1 is probably the most classic of the SLRs from the 70s and the 80s. Its silver look (I never liked the black version) and its iconic Canon logo attract analog photographers around the world and have been copied in many modern digital cameras (except by Canon). The camera is relatively small and light, and has a needle light meter that is very easy to use. It can be used in aperture-priority with FD lenses that have an A mode.
I like this camera. The only reason that I am letting it go is to practice getting rid of my excess stuff, including cameras that I have many of. I am keeping my A-1 though.
Below are some photos I took last weekend with a cheap Canon 35-100 zoom lens on Fomapan 100 classic. The photos came out very nice and many of them are what I would call really vintage. So long AE-1.